Lease Agreement and Rental Agreement forms are among the most popular legal forms for rentals. Learn how landlord forms make your job easier. Rental lease agreement forms are the cornerstone of every successful rental business and the American Apartment Owners Association has made it easier than ever for landlords to get the right legal forms for the job. Whether you need a basic landlord form like an eviction notice, or something more complex like a residential lease agreement, our landlord rental contract forms have been created for ease of use and accuracy. Plus this easy landlord form will save you money. So, before you select a rental application form from the list below, keep in mind that some of these are free legal forms for our members.
* free forms are instant downloads and not state specific
* indicates form is not state specific, instant download and print
* free forms are instant downloads and not state specific
Rental applications, leases, and virtually every other landlord form you've heard of, and some that you haven't, were once the exclusive domain of lawyers. That meant a long wait, and hefty bills to get the best leasing forms. But today, online rental forms allow landlords to seize control, and save money in the process:
Want to get the best value from online rental forms? Follow the tips in this checklist.
American Apartment Owners Association provides a large selection of landlord legal forms to cover a number of different situations that may come up.
When you are first getting started with a new tenant, before running a tenant background check, you will need to select a rental application. To understand just how important a rental application is to your bottom line, see 5 Reasons Landlords Need a Rental Application.
Once you process a tenant screening and find the right tenant, don't hand over the keys to the unit without a signed residential lease form. This important rental form provides the basis for the legal relationship between landlord and tenant. A well-written lease protects a landlord's rights and helps keep rental properties profitable. Are you unsure what provisions should be included in your lease agreement? Leasing mistakes cost profits. Many are easy to avoid. Find out more.
One of the most common disputes between landlords and tenants involves the condition of the property, especially when it comes time to return a security deposit. That's why every landlord needs to complete a Move In/Out checklist.Typically, the checklist is completed when the tenant moves in, and again when the tenant vacates. That way, the landlord has proof if the tenant damages the property. Click here if you would like to see some tips on tenant move in/out checklists.
Depending on where your property is located, you may also want to address special problems, like offering a mold and ventilation addendum, or a smoke detector addendum prohibiting tenants from tampering with these important safety features.
From there, the landlord forms you choose will be based on your individual needs. If you accept cash payments, it is important to complete rent receipts. In the course of the lease term, you may need to provide notices to tenants, like a Landlord's Notice of Rent Increase.
Landlords must understand what is contained in the rental forms they provide for tenants to sign. Investors may purchase rentals subject to an existing lease. But what if you try to rein in a bad tenant only to discover that their actions aren't covered in the lease? Don't get caught by surprise. For more, see Landlord, Know The Forms!
Whether you are a professional property manager or have one property to manage, the proper rental forms can make the difference between success and failure. Protect your investment with American Apartment Owners Association's Landlord Forms.
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