There will be plenty of time for participants to ask individual questions to both faculty and graduate students.
Date: TBD in Oct/Nov 2024 Topics will include: • How do I apply? • What’s different for International Students? • How do I prepare a strong application? • Information for non-traditional students • What are current students like? • How are students funded? • What’s it like to live in Tucson?Instructions for Fall 2024 Applicants:
1. Read through the rest of the information linked below. You’ll find a checklist of the required application materials, a brochure with lots of information about our graduate program, and other information and advice about how to write the strongest possible application.
2. Click on the application portal link above to apply online through the University of Arizona Graduate Admissions webpage.
a. If you already have a UA NetID, sign in with this. If you don’t have one (or don’t know what this is), make a GradApp account under Method 2. After providing some basic personal information, the application will ask for your desired plan of study.
b. Please select FALL 2025 for the Astronomy and Astrophysics PHD program (identical to the astronomy program). Admission for Graduate Study in the Department of Astronomy is for the Ph.D. program only. We do not support a Master’s Degree program, and requirements are geared toward Ph.D. studies.
c. Applications received by December 2, 2024 will be given full consideration.
3. For more information on research opportunities at Steward Observatory, check our faculty and research group pages. Note that applications are reviewed not by the potential advisor of a student, but by an admissions committee.
4. Have any further questions? Email Dr. Nathan Smith ( for scientific aspects of the graduate program, or Tiffany Deyoe ( for other questions.